Blooming Love

Dozen red roses with babies breath in a red vase for same day fresh flowers delivery by local florist near Livermore,Pleasanton , Dublin
Eighteen red roses with babies breath in a red vase for same day fresh flowers delivery by local florist near Livermore,Pleasanton , Dublin

Livermore Florist - Spring Garden Florist


Sometimes flowers speak louder than words…and our elegant red roses speak volumes! Spring Garden Florist hand-arranged with lush greenery inside our exclusive ruby red vase, each radiant bloom will help you express your love in the most romantic way possible.

  • All-around arrangement with premium red roses, baby’s breath and greens
  • Artistically designed in our exclusive ruby red glass vase; measures 8.75”H
  • Large arrangement of 18 red roses measures approximately 20"H x 15"L
  • Small arrangement of 12 red roses measures approximately 19"H x 14"L