Grandeur Centerpiece

Grandeur Centerpiece
Grandeur Centerpiece
Grandeur Centerpiece

Spring Garden Florist


A grand autumnal arrangement fit for a glamorous setting. We’ve designed one of our most impressive fall bouquets into a luxurious centerpiece. Radiant roses and sunflowers are hand-gathered with a mix of brightly colored blooms and unique accents, creating a truly unique gift. A trio of orange candles adds the perfect finish for a season full of spirited celebrations with those you love.

  • All-around centerpiece arrangement with red and circus or bi-color orange roses; sunflowers; red hypericum; purple statice and kale; green trick; accented with salal, variegated pittosporum and dried lotus pods
  • Includes three 12"H orange tapered candles
  • Large arrangement measures approximately 24"L x 15"D
  • Medium arrangement measures approximately 22"L x 14"D
  • Small arrangement measures approximately 20"L x 13"D