Peppermint Joy Bouquet
Bring joy to their world in merry, minty style. Our charming holiday bouquet is gathered with a swirl of red and white blooms, fragrant evergreens and snowy-tipped pinecones inside a clear glass vase. For a sweet finishing touch, we’ve added a pair of candy canes tied with ribbon. It’s a festive surprise sure to get them into the spirit of the season.
- All-around arrangement with red roses, white daisy poms, bi-color red & white carnations and mini carnations; accented with red hypericum berries, assorted Christmas greenery and pinecones
- Artistically designed in a clear glass vase; measures 8"H
- Large arrangement measures approximately 18"H x 15"W
- Medium arrangement measures approximately 17"H x 14"W
- Small arrangement measures approximately 16"H x 13"W